Photo of Mike Smith

Science Empowers Business

Entrepreneurs have long considered business part art, part science. The truth is that the most successful companies have learned the secret of taking a scientific approach to their business processes.

Now, nationally recognized scientist and entrepreneur Mike Smith is available to help entrepreneurs empower their companies through science.


Many business owners are too close to their organizations to view them objectively.


Virtually every organization can benefit from taking a more scientific approach to their business challenges.


Science transforms data into a predictive energy that guides decision-making.
Learn more about MSE Creative Consulting for business owners today.
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Learn more about MSE Creative Consulting for business owners today.
Call (316) 636-7373
Learn more about MSE Creative Consulting for business owners today.
Call 316-636-7373

Meet Mike Smith

In 1981, Mike Smith created an entirely new type of business. Competing with the free information offered by the U.S. National Weather Service, he delivered a superior product, at a higher price.

The secret? Precision storm warnings tailored to fit each client’s needs. Mike’s private sector business guaranteed state-of-the art science, and actionable results. Fortune 100 companies gladly paid for his data that saved lives and increased profits by tens of millions of dollars.

The company he founded flourished and was in demand by companies throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. 

Twenty-five years later, he sold his successful business and turned to writing and consulting. He then spent a dozen years as Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation Executive at AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, where he consulted with companies from across the globe. Now, you can benefit from the expertise of this acclaimed scientist, marketer and innovator.
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